Guitar Support Workshop

Guitar Support Workshop
Guitar Support Workshop

The workshop is open to isolated amateurs who are not lucky enough to have a teacher. Guitarists lucky enough to have a teacher can follow the workshop during school holidays, when their teacher is not giving them lessons. Especially during major holidays.

In this forum, you post your YouTube video recordings of works, or excerpts of works, for the purpose of receiving advice from forum members. The team of tutors, moderators, teachers and I help the participants of the Peer Support Workshop according to our availability. On the condition that the person we help takes our advice into account and demonstrates it by publishing a new video that demonstrates that he has taken into account the advice received. Practical detail: indicate the publisher of the work and quote the bar numbers if you play an extract.

To take part in this “Guitar Support Workshop”, you must be registered under your real first and last names and have published at least one video on the forum.

I list below the works to be recorded in order to complete each level in 2022-2023 :

Level D01
Lesson 1 Delcamp: Cordes à vide – Anonyme: Old Mac Donald – Anonyme: Au clair de la lune
Lesson 2 Delcamp: Exercice 1 – Delcamp: Exercice 20 – Anonyme: Jig – Anonyme: La tête bizarde
Lesson 3 Delcamp: SI SI RE – Anonyme: Good–morning – Aguado: Leccion 5a – Anonyme: Lo, nous marchons
Lesson 4 Anonyme: La cucaracha – Anonyme: Alouette – Anonyme: Lundi matin – Anonyme: Cadet Rousselle
Lesson 5 Delcamp: Polyphonie 1, n° 1 & 2 – Cano–Curriella: Leccion I – Roch: Exercices, n° 1 & 2
Lesson 6 Delcamp: Exercice 6 – Sor: Leçon I opus 60 – Carcassi – Exercice opus 59
Lesson 7 Improvisation sur 4 notes – Anonyme: Quand j’étais chez mon père – Anonyme: O bella ciao
Lesson 8 Delcamp: Arpèges – Anon.: Fais dodo + Start of work on the compulsory piece (notified by the teacher on 12 April 2023) for the end-of-year exam on 12 May 2023
Lesson 9 Delcamp: Exercice 8 – Anonyme: Volt en la majeur – Aguado: Valse en sol majeur
Lesson 10 Delcamp: Accords – Le Roy: Second bransle de poictou – Sanz: Villano

Level D02
Lesson 1 Anonyme: Danse D’avila – Foster: Oh! Susanna – Delcamp: Polyphonie (D01)
Lesson 2 Delcamp: Malagueña – Delcamp: Exercice 6 – Delcamp: Exercice 40
Lesson 3 Delcamp: Soleares – Delcamp: Exercice 7 et 8
Lesson 4 Carulli: Arpeggi di 3 note – Carulli: Valse en La majeur – Delcamp: Exercice 10
Lesson 5 Meissonnier: Andante – Sor: Allegretto N°2 – Delcamp: Exercice 13
Lesson 6 Carcassi: Sauteuse opus 59 – Delcamp: Exercices 19 et 20
Lesson 7 Giuliani: Écossaise 10 opus 33 – Improvisation sur 4 notes – Delcamp: Exercices 21 et 22
Lesson 8 Krieger: Menuet —– Sanz: La Tarentela —– Improvisation sur 6 notes + Start of work on the compulsory piece (notified by the teacher on 20 April 2023) for the end-of-year exam on 20 May 2023
Lesson 9 Anonyme: un éléphant qui se balançait – Delcamp: Quatre Accords
Lesson 10 Carulli: Rondo opus 241

Level D03
Lesson 1 Carulli: Arpeggi di 3 note – Mainerio: Schiarazula – Delcamp: Polyphonie (D01)
Lesson 2 Carcassi: Valse Opus 59 – Delcamp: Exercices 8, 9 et 54
Lesson 3 Anonyme: Greensleeves – Paganini: Valtz – Delcamp: Exercices 10 et 30
Lesson 4 Sanz: Saltaren – Cutting: Packington’s Pound
Lesson 5 Carulli: Prelude 4 opus 114 – Paganini: Ghiribizzo N°1
Lesson 6 Sanz: La Miñona de Cataluña – Delcamp: Mordants et Trilles
Lesson 7 Paganini: Ghiribizzo N°23 – Improvisation – Jeu Musical
Lesson 8 Delcamp: Accords p. 98 – Anon.: Valse + Start of work on the compulsory piece (notified by the teacher on 28 April 2023) for the end-of-year exam on 28 May 2023
Lesson 9 Sanz: Impro sur Jacaras
Lesson 10 Delcamp: Tango dédié à Laure – Delcamp: Barré

Level D04
Lesson 1 Stéphanie Foret: Bretonneuse – Delcamp: Exercices 43, 46, 47
Lesson 2 Francisco Tárrega: Andantino, en la mayor – Delcamp: Extensions
Lesson 3 Ferdinando Carulli: Prelude opus 114 n°7 – Delcamp: Exercices 31 et 32
Lesson 4 Anonyme: Scarborough Fair – Delcamp: Exercice 16
Lesson 5 Francisco Tárrega: Estudio, en mi minor – Delcamp: Exercice 18
Lesson 6 Fernando Sor: Exercice opus 35 n°13, en do majeur, Segovia n°2 – Delcamp: Exercice 42
Lesson 7 Julio Salvador Sagreras: Maria Luisa, Mazurka opus 19 – Delcamp: Exercice 26
Lesson 8 Anon.: Mi Favorita – Delcamp: Exercices 27 et 28 + Start of work on the compulsory piece (notified by the teacher on 28 April 2023) for the end-of-year exam on 28 May 2023
Lesson 9 Gaspar Sanz: Zarabanda – Delcamp: Gamme de Mi majeur en dixièmes
Lesson 10 Štepán Rak: Nostalgický valcik – Delcamp: Exercices 38 et 39

Level D05
Lesson 1 Anonyme: Vaghe bellezze e bionde – Anonyme: Melodía de Sor – Delcamp: Exercice 109 (polyphonie)
Lesson 2 Luys de Narvàez: Diferencias sobre guardame las vacas – Fernando Sor: Leçon XVIII opus 60
Lesson 3 Cristóbal Oudrid: El postillon de la rioja – Delcamp: Exercices 11, 12, 13 (liaisons)
Lesson 4 Guiseppe Antonio Brescianello: Allegro de la Partita VII – João Guimarães: Sons de carillhões
Lesson 5 Matteo Carcassi: Etude III opus 60 – Agustín Barrios Mangoré: El sueño de la muñequita
Lesson 6 Juliàn Arcas: Manuelito, waltz – Delcamp: Exercices 19 et 20 (gammes)
Lesson 7 Francisco Tàrrega: Làgrima – Julio Salvador Sagreras Leccion III n°6
Lesson 8 Johann Sebastian Bach: Prelude BWV 1007 + Start of work on the compulsory piece (notified by the teacher on 20 April 2023) for the end-of-year exam on 20 May 2023
Lesson 9 Francisco Tàrrega: Estudio en re mayor n°99
Lesson 10 Anonyme Se Io M’accorgo ben d’un altro amante – Delcamp: Exercices 15, 16, 17 et 18 (mordants et trilles)

Level D06
Lesson 1 José Ferrer y Esteve: L’Etudiant de Salamanque – Delcamp: Exercices 2, 3 et 4 (gammes)
Lesson 2 Fernando Sor: Leçon opus 31 n°20 – Francisco Tárrega – Estudio de terceras
Lesson 3 Matteo Carcassi: Étude n°7 opus 60 – Américo Jacomino: Olhos feiticeiros
Lesson 4 Erik Satie: Gnossienne n°1 – Delcamp: Exercices 7, 8 et 9 (gammes)
Lesson 5 Francisco Tárrega: Vals en re – Salvador Resgrasa: No se permite – Delcamp: Exercices 34 et 35 (gammes en tierces)
Lesson 6 Dionisio Aguado: Estudio n°15 – Julio Salvador Sagreras, Leccion 4 n°34 – Delcamp: Exercices 39 et 40 (gammes en accords)
Lesson 7 Mauro Giuliani: Rondo de la Sonatine opus 71
Lesson 8 Francisco Tárrega: Endecha + Start of work on the compulsory piece (notified by the teacher on 12 April 2023) for the end-of-year exam on 12 May 2023
Lesson 9 Agustín Barrios Mangoré: Minueto en do – Delcamp: Exercices 30, 31, 32 et 33 (mordants et trilles)
Lesson 10 João Teixeira Guimarães: Sonho de magia – Delcamp: Exercices 41 (gamme en accords)

Level D07
Lesson 1 Johann Sebastian Bach: Prélude BWV 998 – D05 Delcamp: Exercice 109 (polyphonie)
Lesson 2 Georg Friedrich Händel: Fughette – Miguel Llobet: El Testament d’Amelia – Delcamp: Exercices 10, 11 et 12 (gammes)
Lesson 3 Anton Diabelli: Menuet de la Sonate en La majeur – D06 Delcamp: Exercices 13, 14 et 15 (gammes)
Lesson 4 Francisco Tárrega: Paquito – D06 Delcamp: Exercices 34 et 35 (gammes en tierces)
Lesson 5 Fernando Sor: Etude opus 6 n°11 – D06 Delcamp: Exercices 39 et 40 (gammes en accords)
Lesson 6 Francisco Tárrega: Pepita – D06 Delcamp: Exercices 30, 31, 32 et 33 (mordants et trilles)
Lesson 7 Julián Arcas: Bolero – D06 Delcamp: Exercices 41 (gamme en accords)
Lesson 8 Matteo Carcassi: Etude n°20 + Start of work on the compulsory piece (notified by the teacher on 28 April 2023) for the end-of-year exam on 28 May 2023
Lesson 9 Francisco Tárrega: ¡Adelita! – D06 Giuliani: Studio per la chitarra opera 1, ex n°99, 100, 101, 102 et 103
Lesson 10 Alonso Mudarra: Fantasia 10 – D06 Giuliani: Studio per la chitarra opera 1, ex n°104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109 et 110

Level D08
Six works + one compulsory piece for the end-of-year exam
Lesson 1 Agustín Barrios Mangoré: Julia Florida
Lesson 2 Sylvius Léopold Weiss: Fantaisie, first part
Lesson 3 Sylvius Léopold Weiss: Fantaisie, second part
Lesson 4 Miguel Llobet: Cançó de Lladre
Lesson 5 Johann Sebastian Bach: Gavotte BWV 1006a, first part
Lesson 6 Johann Sebastian Bach: Gavotte BWV 1006a, second part
Lesson 7 Matteo Carcassi: Etude opus 60 n°25
Lesson 8 Start of work on the compulsory piece (notified by the teacher on 2 April 2023) for the end-of-year exam on 12 May 2023
Lesson 9 Francisco Tárrega: Capricho Árabe, first part + End of work on the compulsory piece for the end-of-year exam
Lesson 10 Francisco Tárrega: Capricho Árabe, second part

Level D09 (only available on the French-language forum)
Five works + one compulsory piece for the end-of-year exam
Lesson 1 Joaquin Rodigro: En los trigales, from «Por los campos de España», éditions Rodrigo, first part
Lesson 2 Joaquin Rodigro: En los trigales, second part
Lesson 3 John Dowland: Fantasie n°VII, first part
Lesson 4 John Dowland: Fantasie n°VII, second part
Lesson 5 Joaquim Malats: Serenata Española, first part
Lesson 6 Joaquim Malats: Serenata Española, second part
Lesson 7 Johann Sebastian Bach: Fugue BWV 1001, in A minor, first part
Lesson 8 Work on the compulsory piece (notified by the teacher on 2 April 2023). The end-of-year exam will take place on 20 May 2023
Lesson 9 Johann Sebastian Bach: Fugue BWV 1001, in A minor, second part
Lesson 10 Agustín Barrios Mangoré: Prélude from La Catedral.

Level D10 (only available on the French-language forum)
Five works + one compulsory piece for the end-of-year exam
Lesson 1 Johann Sebastian Bach: Fugue BWV 998, first part
Lesson 2 Johann Sebastian Bach: Fugue BWV 998, second part
Lesson 3 Fernando Sor: Variations sur un thème de Mozart opus 9, first part
Lesson 4 Fernando Sor: Variations sur un thème de Mozart opus 9, second part
Lesson 5 Léo Brouwer: Éloge de la danse, first part, édition Schott
Lesson 6 Léo Brouwer: Éloge de la danse, second part, édition Schott
Lesson 7 Maurice Ohana: Aube, édition Billaudot
Lesson 8 Work on the compulsory piece (notified by the teacher on 2 April 2023). The end-of-year exam will take place on 20 May 2023
Lesson 9 Isaac Albéniz: Cadiz, opus 47, first part
Lesson 10 Isaac Albéniz: Cadiz, opus 47, second part

Enjoy preparing and good luck!
I am looking forward to hearing you,

Jean-François Delcamp

Français : Cours de guitare classique en ligne
Italiano : Corsi di chitarra classica in linea
English : On-line classical guitar lessons
Español : Cursos de guitarra clásica en línea