Classical guitar sheet music pdf free download
Editions Delcamp with fingerings :

Works in four volumes :
J. F. Delcamp – Works for Guitar – 1st Part, opus 1-10 (1,3 Mo)
J. F. Delcamp – Works for Guitar – 2nd Part, opus 11-22 (1,3 Mo)
J. F. Delcamp – Works for Guitar – 3rd Part, opus 23-32 (1,5 Mo)
J. F. Delcamp – Works for Guitar – 4th Part, opus 33-43 (1,7 Mo)
Here’s a link to my YouTube playlist, which contains 88 recordings of Jean-François Delcamp’s works for classical guitar.

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Jean-François Delcamp divides his time between teaching the guitar, administering internet forums, publishing free music editions for classical guitar, composing and giving occasional concerts.
Born on the 16th of October 1956 in Nice, French performer, composer and editor Jean-François Delcamp began studying the guitar at the age of nine. A few years later he became a pupil of the guitar master Berthie Compostel, then of the masters Alberto Ponce and Alexandre Lagoya.
Several times first prize winner in international guitar competitions (Milan, 1981, and Paris UFAM, also 1981), Jean-François Delcamp holds a Teaching Certificate in guitar tuition awarded by the French Ministry of Culture.
In 1981 Jean-François Delcamp founded the guitar course at the Brest Conservatory of Music, Dance and Drama. From 1982 to 1984 he produced and hosted a daily broadcast on Radio Brest Atlantique devoted to classical music. From 1990 to 1993 he played bass, guitar and lute in the progressive rock band Halloween.
In 1993, along with other Brest musicians from diverse musical backgrounds (jazz, classical, traditional music), he created the ADEMA association with the aim of promoting contemporary music. From 1993 to 1997 he took part in concerts of improvised music as well as the composition of group music.
In 1996, with the support of the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Brittany, he created “Visions”, a set of compositions for two guitars and percussion, at the Quartz (national arts centre) in Brest, in company with jazz musician Jean Luc Roumier and percussionist Philip Di Faostino.
In 1997, with some fellow enthusiasts, he founded the music fair “Musiques à l’Ouest” (Music in the West) which he organized on three occasions at the Quartz in Brest, each bringing together hundreds of professionals and thousands of amateurs.
In 2001 Jean-François Delcamp created ““, an internet site whose forums have become daily meeting places for classical guitarists worldwide. The Delcamp forums respect copyright, are free to join, and carry no advertising. They offer guitarists, both amateur and professional, a discussion space dedicated to mutual assistance, that is to say the free exchange and sharing of resources and services for the benefit of all.
In addition to music and outdoor walks, I extend my search for serenity with sea kayaking, Qigong and Taijiquan.
Works for guitar by Jean-François Delcamp
- Viviane, Op. 1
- Trois jours, Op. 2 : Dimanche, Lundi, Mardi
- Deux tangos, Op. 3
- Deux préludes, Op. 4
- Impromptu n°1, Op.5
- Quatre pièces, Op. 6 : Rue des Trois Frères, Vieux réveil, Paquet de cigarettes vide, La boutique du magicien distrait.
- Deux pièces tendres, Op. 7 : Petit rondo, Chanson de Moky et Poupy.
- Papier recyclé et Fugue, Op. 8
- Pendant la nuit, Op. 9 : Tiento de Saturne, Le rêve d’une lampe de chevet, La voiture tombe en panne.
- Réels et imaginaires, Op. 10 : Le caméléon en retard, La girafe a reçu du courrier, Danse des ptérodactyles, Picking du nautile, Danseurs-visages, Prélude court, L’albatros rêve dans le ciel, Valse des mésanges, Dans les ramures.
- Promenade, Op. 10
- Suite des masques, Op. 11
- Sous le règne du Do, Op. 12 : Villanesca, La plage de la rue des Pétrels, Chanson du cédrat, Saltarelle du 1er novembre.
- Milonga d’octobre, Op. 13
- Deux pièces brèves, Op. 14 : Danse dédiée à John Montes, Les petits pas.
- En mémoire de Daniel Friederich, Op. 15
- Feunteun-Aod, Op. 16
- Reflets changeants, Op. 17
- Deux études vénéneuses, Op. 18
- Huit valses, Op. 19 : Valse polyglotte, Valse du Guelmeur, Valse de la rue Poullaouec, Valse de la rue Maleyssie, Valse des souris grises, Passé le col du Somport, Valse en Do majeur, Valse berceuse.
- Respirations, Op. 20 : Eleições, Îles de Glénan, Trois et deux.
- Suite Brestoise, Op. 21 : Roches, Gwerz, Arc-en-ciel, Gigue, Saltarelle.
- Happy birthday with guitar, Op. 22 : Prélude, Danse, Valse sans refrain, Berceuse, Postlude.
- Quatre pièces, Op. 23 : Isabelle, Le dernier jour de l’année, Choro de travers, Milonga d’hiver.
- Prélude n°7, Op. 24
- Sonate Medina del Campo, Op. 25
- Deux choros, Op. 26 : Choro biscornu, Choro Maxixe.
- Picking à Bastia, Op. 27
- Comme des vagues, Île Wrac’h, Op. 28
- Suite Bretagne, Op. 29 : Rivage, Viviane, Merlin, Les roches du Diable, Le pont de Sein.
- Deux préludes, Op. 30
- Impromptu n°2, Op. 30
- Sonate Ida Presti, Op. 31
- Deux pièces, Op. 32 : Interlude, Nocturne.
- Coffre à jouets, Op. 33 : Préambule, Avion en papier, Soldat de plomb, Ours en peluche, Voilier, Lune et étoile, Un kayak, On range tout.
- Danse de la rue Maleyssie, Op. 34
- Douze tablatures, Op. 35 : Coquillage, Interlude, En barque, Malagueña, Petit boogie, Soleares, Burkina Faso, Blues de la cabane , Samba du jardin, Valse des laminaires, Moment musical, Monsieur bourdon butine.
- 12 TABs, opus 36 : Mardi op. 2, Tango op. 3, Prélude op. 4, Rue des trois frères op. 6, Picking du nautile op. 10, La girafe a reçu du courrier op. 10, Milonga op. 23, Prélude op. 22, Prélude op. 24, Picking op. 27, Balade op. 36, Berceuse op. 36.
- L’oubli, opus 37
- Suite sans chichi, opus 38 : Chanson, Sonnerie, Zapateado.
- Hommage à Roque Carbajo, opus 39
- Or et azur, opus 40 : Prélude, Habanera, Tango.
- Jabalalamaya, opus 41
- Impromptu n°3, opus 42
- Play of colors, opus 42
- Valse noire, opus 43
- Berceuse rouge, opus 43b
- Gavotte améthyste, opus 43c
- Valse rose, opus 43d
- Final pourpre, opus 43e
– Un regard sur la guitare (K7) Lynx Optique, 1990
– Taxi de nuit 1 (CD) CCM de Brest, 1991
– Les instruments de musique (CD) Éditions Buissonnières, 1993
– Visions (CD) Lynx Optique, 1993
– Merlin (CD) Muséa, 1994
– Quatuor Opus 29 (CD) Opus 29, 1998