Mudarra, Alonso – Complete Guitar Works

Alonso Mudarra (1510-1580) : The Six Works for Guitar 1546 (18 pages – 4 Mo) . Adaptation for classical guitar and fingering by Jean-François Delcamp

The first of these 6 pieces is written for a guitar tuned to “al temple viejo,” which is DO SOL SI MI. The following five works are written for a guitar tuned as usual today, with the top 4 strings: D G B E.

Regarding technical difficulty, you can greatly facilitate playing by placing a capo on fret 5 or 7 to reduce finger stretches.

These pieces, from the early 16th century, have a style that can still resonate with our ears in the 21st century. Personally, this is music that calms me, brings me serenity, and connects me to the sky, the earth, and living beings.

  • FANTASIA XI DEL PRIMER TONO a quatro voces, para guitarra, al temple viejo
  • FANTASIA XII DEL QUARTO TONO a quatro voces, para guitarra, al temple nuevo
  • FANTASIA XIII DEL QUINTO TONO para guitarra, al temple nuevo
  • FANTASIA XIV DEL PRIMER TONO para guitarra, al temple nuevo
  • PAVANA III para guitarra, al temple nuevo
  • ROMANESCA II, O guardame las vacas en tres maneras, para guitarra, al temple nuevo

Alonso Mudarra (1510-1580) : Gallarda 1546

Alonso Mudarra : Conde claros 1546

Alonso Mudarra : Fantasia 1 1546

Alonso Mudarra : Pavane de Alexandre 1546

Alonso Mudarra : Fantasia 10, que contrahaze la harpa 1546